"Much of the recent media attention on higher education has focused on allegations about the declining quality of the educational experience, including claims of ‘soft-marking’, declining academic standards and the ‘dumbing down’ of courses" (Department of Education, Australia).
"Australia needs nothing less than a revolution in education - a substantial and sustained increase in the quantity of our investment, and the quality of our education," Mr Rudd says in the paper. "This is required at every level of education from early childhood to mature age." (The Australian, January 23, 2007).
"The Declining Quality of Mathematics Education in the US" (Jedidiah Jan 26 08 2007) "Mathematics education seems to be very subject to passing trends - surprisingly more so than many other subjects. The most notorious are, of course, the rise of New Math in the 60s and 70s, and the corresponding backlash against it in the late 70s and 80s. It turns out that mathematics education, at least in the US, is now subject to a new trend, and it doesn't appear to be a good one."
"A study released Thursday (December 16, 2005) by the U.S. Department of Education shows that only 25% of college graduates were “proficiently literate,” that is, “using printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one’s goals, and to develop one’s knowledge and potential.” The results show a dramatic decline from 1992, the last year surveyed prior to this study. “This seems like another piece of hard evidence, a fairly clear indication, that the ‘value added’ that higher education gave to students didn’t improve, and maybe declined, over this period,” said Charles Miller, the former University of Texas regent who is heading the U.S. education secretary’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education." (Fighting Stupidity)
Kalau mutu pendidikan di negara maju dapat menurun walapun teknologi yang digunakan di bidang pendidikan sudah canggih sekali, mengapa Indonesia dapat percaya bahwa solusi pendidikan adalah teknologi pendidikan canggih? Tidak masuk akal kan?
Teknologi dapat digunakan, tetapi hanya akan betul bermanfaat setelah Ilmu Teknologi Pendidikan dan cara menggunakan teknologi di bidang pendidikan sudah dipaham oleh manajemen pendidikan kita maupun guru.
Beberapa Isu Penting:
* How did the brilliant minds who created the technologies learn?
* Who are the real driving forces behind education technology?
* Education Technology is Big Business! How significant should the roles of Marketers and Technologists be in Learning Institution decision making?
* What would be the future of Education Technology Departments in universities if we decided tomorrow that the contribution from education technology was not significant?
* Where can we find unbiased information?
* Are students really learning more effectively? Evidence?
* Every time we teach we need to ask do we need education technology?
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Home » Bagaimana dengan mutu pendidikan di negara-negara yang sudah memiliki fasilitas teknologi pendidikan canggih? » Bagaimana dengan mutu pendidikan di negara-negara yang sudah memiliki fasilitas teknologi pendidikan canggih?
Bagaimana dengan mutu pendidikan di negara-negara yang sudah memiliki fasilitas teknologi pendidikan canggih?
Diposting oleh osis_mahaba di 14.34
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